Retailer Clearinghouse APIs

Modified on Wed, 31 May 2023 at 04:13 PM

Retailer Clearinghouse APIs

Retailer Clearing houses have access to three APIs built to provide information for more efficient clearing.

  • AI (8112) Base Validation API – The purpose of this API is to confirm that each base data string in a redemption file is valid and to return the offer details for any necessary audit.
  • AI (8112) Serialized data string API - The purpose of this API is to confirm the details of an individual data string. 
  • Funder API – The purpose of this API is to return billing details for any single Funder ID
  • Get Updated Funder API - The purpose of this API is to retrieve all available Coupon Funder IDs

Coupon Funder IDs

All Coupon Funders (typically manufacturers) are required to enter any Coupon Funder IDs into their account before they can be used in an AI (8112) Base data string. This control will ensure any Coupon Funder ID in an active coupon will be available for AI (8112) settlement partners.

All available Coupon Funder IDs will be available for retrieval through the FunderAPIs.

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