Near Realtime Webhook Implementation Guide

Modified on Mon, 19 Aug, 2024 at 3:52 PM

If you need to receive realtime updates about the coupons (serialized data strings), you can register your webhook url and TCB will keep sending events in near realtime. As TheCouponBureau® backend will be processing coupons at massive scale, our webhook processing layer could take upto 60 seconds to reach your endpoint. But most of the time you would get the webhook message within 10 seconds. TheCouponBureau® backend will generate events on the below actions. If you are authorized to receive the event, TCB will send push message to your configured webhook so that you can process it as per your need.

Before you subscribe your HTTPS endpoint, you must make sure that the HTTPS endpoint has the capability to handle the HTTPS POST requests that TCB uses to send the verification, subscription confirmation and notification messages. Usually, this means creating and deploying a web application (for example, a Java servlet if your endpoint host is running Linux with Apache and Tomcat) that processes the HTTPS requests from TCB.

Webhook Registration

TheCouponBureau® backend will verify the ownership of the webhook endpoint by sending a series of HTTP POST requests. You have to code your webhook endpoint to make sure you respond to the HTTP POST requests appropriately to complete the registration successfully. If your endpoint fails to do so, TCB will show appropriate error message in the portal.

Step #1 : Save Webhook

Go to your homepage, click on Enterprise Setting, enter the webhook url and click save button. Your webhook url should be active. TCB backend will check the webhook by sending a HTTP POST request with body as shown below with Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Content-Length: 1336
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
x-amz-sns-message-type: TCBVerifier
Connection: Keep-Alive

  "TCBVerifier": "..."

Your webook endpoint should return HTTP Status Code: 200. If it fails to do that, you will get an error message while saving the webhook.

TCB will try to connect with your webhook by sending a HTTP POST request with body as shown below with Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

x-amz-sns-message-type: SubscriptionConfirmation
x-amz-sns-message-id: 165545c9-2a5c-472c-8df2-7ff2be2b3b1b
x-amz-sns-topic-arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:MyTopic
Content-Length: 1336
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Amazon Simple Notification Service Agent

  "Type": "SubscriptionConfirmation",
  "MessageId": "...",
  "Token": "...",
  "TopicArn": "...",
  "Message": "...",
  "SubscribeURL": "https://.....",
  "Timestamp": "...",
  "SignatureVersion": "...",
  "Signature": "...",
  "SigningCertURL": "..."

Your code should parse the JSON document in the body of the HTTP POST request to read the name-value pairs that make up the TCB message. Use a JSON parser that handles converting the escaped representation of control characters back to their ASCII character values (for example, converting \n to a newline character). You can use an existing JSON parser such as the Jackson JSON Processor or write your own.

Once you convert the message to JSON, get the value of Type key. If Type is equal to SubscriptionConfirmation, your webhook endpoint should send a HTTP GET request to SubscribeURL to confirm the subscription. If Type is equal to Notification, your webhook endpoint should process the request as described below.

Step #2 : Process Incoming Request

A TCB push request looks like this example below. Note that the field is base64-encoded.

x-amz-sns-message-type: Notification
x-amz-sns-message-id: 165545c9-2a5c-472c-8df2-7ff2be2b3b1b
x-amz-sns-topic-arn: arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:MyTopic
Content-Length: 1336
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Amazon Simple Notification Service Agent

  "Type" : "Notification",
  "MessageId": "...",
  "Message": {
    "data": "SGVsbG8gQ2xvdWQgUHViL1N1YiEgSGV..........."
  "SignatureVersion": "1",
  "Signature": "...",
  "SigningCertURL": "...",
  "UnsubscribeURL": "..."

Your webhook needs to handle incoming messages and return an HTTP status code to indicate success or failure. A success response is equivalent to acknowledging a message. The status codes interpreted as message acknowledgments by the TCB backend system are: 200, 201, 202, 204. A success response might look like this:

204 No Content

If your webhook does not return a success code, TCB attempts up to three retries with a delay between failed attempts set at 20 seconds. Once you decode the, you will get the below JSON. event_timestamp will be in Unix epoch format. It will be the the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight EST), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

Events generating webhook push message

Below are the type of actions generate webhook push message

  • Action on Serialized GS1s(All stakeholders connected to this gs1 will get webhook push)
    • Deposit by provider (action: deposited)
    • Delete by provider (action: deleted)
    • Redemption by accelerator or retailer (action: redeemed)
    • Rollback by accelerator or retailer (action: rollback)
    • Receive serialized gs1 shared by other providers (action: shared)
  • Action on phone number change in a sharing app
    • phone_number_change
  • Action on Brand (by manufacturer)(Manufacturer and the authorized partner associated with this brand will get webhook push)
    • Brand creation (action: brand_create)
    • Brand deletion (action: brand_delete)
    • Brand updation (action: brand_update). Following action will result in brand_update event push.
      • Update brand name
      • Assign primary provider to brand
      • Remove primary provider from brand
      • Update brand image
  • Action on Master Offer File (by manufacturer or authorized partner)(Manufacturer, authorized partner and providers associated with this mof will get webhook push). Accelerators will also get webhook push for any purchase requirement change. Accelerator can use this to update locally synced master offer file purchase requirements for faster processing.
    • MOF creation (action: mof_create)
    • MOF updation (action: mof_update)
    • MOF deletion (action: mof_delete)

Message Format: Action on Serialized GS1s

In case of deposit event, below message will be pushed to webhook

  gs1: 'GS1 data string (coupon)', 
  action: 'deposited',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  provider: { email_domain: '' },
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of delete event (serialized data string is deleted by provider), below message will be pushed to webhook

  gs1: 'GS1 data string (coupon)', 
  action: 'deleted',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  provider: { email_domain: '' },
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of redemption event (by retailer / accelerator), below message will be pushed to webhook

  gs1: 'GS1 data string (coupon)', 
  action: 'redeemed',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of rollback event (redeemed serialized data string is roll backed by retailer / accelerator), below message will be pushed to webhook

  gs1: 'GS1 data string (coupon)', 
  action: 'rollback',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of coupon sharing event, following message will be delivered to webhook.

    gs1: '811202120719781515159121831481597097',
    action: 'shared',
    primary_signature: '...',
    secondary_signature: '...',
    valid_till_timestamp: 1704016799000,
    phone_hash: '...',
    shared_by: '',
    event_timestamp: 1679423752364,
    campaign_metadata: {
      title: '',
      description: '',
      terms: '',
      mobile_image_url: '',
      desktop_image_url: '',
      dollar_amount: 2

In case of phone number change event in coupon sharing app ecosystem, following message will be delivered to webhook.

    action: 'phone_number_change',
    primary_signature: '...',
    secondary_signature: '...',
    old_phone_hash: '...',
    new_phone_hash: '...',
    shared_by: '',
    event_timestamp: 1679423752364,
    change_location: '...'

Message Format: Action on Brand

In case of any brand creation, below message will be pushed to webhook

  brand_id: '', 
  email_domain: 'manufacturer email domain',
  action: 'brand_create',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of any brand deletion, below message will be pushed to webhook

  brand_id: '', 
  email_domain: 'manufacturer email domain',
  action: 'brand_delete',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of any brand updation, below message will be pushed to webhook

  brand_id: '', 
  email_domain: 'manufacturer email domain',
  action: 'brand_update',
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

Message Format: Action on Master Offer File

In case of master offer file creation / updation event, following message will be pushed to webhook

  base_gs1: '',
  action: 'mof_update', 
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  email_domain: 'manufacturer email domain',
  updated_mof_encoded: 'Base64 encoded master offer file object',
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

In case of master offer file deletion event, following message will be pushed to webhook

  base_gs1: '',
  internal_id: '', // This will come only in mof_delete action
  action: 'mof_delete', 
  primary_signature: '...',
  secondary_signature: '...',
  event_timestamp: ...,
  email_domain: 'manufacturer email domain',
  updated_mof_encoded: 'Base64 encoded master offer file object',
  caller: 'Base64 encoded caller object'

Use the atob library in NodeJS to convert the updated_mof_encoded back to master offer file object. var actual = JSON.parse(atob(updated_mof_encoded));

updated_mof_encoded object will have the following information. You can keep the information in your own database to track changes in the master offer file.

  internal_id: ,
  brand_id: , 
  base_gs1: , 
  description: , 
  campaign_start_time: , 
  campaign_end_time: , 
  redemption_start_time: , 
  redemption_end_time: , 
  rolling_expiration: , 
  rolling_expiration_days: , 
  total_circulation: , 
  primary_purchase_save_value: , 
  primary_purchase_requirements: , 
  primary_purchase_req_code: , 
  primary_purchase_gtins: , 
  additional_purchase_rules_code: , 
  second_purchase_requirements: , 
  second_purchase_gs1_company_prefix: , 
  second_purchase_req_code: , 
  second_purchase_gtins: , 
  third_purchase_requirements: , 
  third_purchase_gs1_company_prefix: , 
  third_purchase_req_code: , 
  third_purchase_gtins: , 
  save_value_code: , 
  applies_to_which_item: , 
  store_coupon: , 
  donot_multiply_flag: , 
  providers: , 
  active: , 

Caller object will have the following information identifying the caller (portal user or API key identified using access_key) who did the action. This will be a base64 encoded JSON object. To get the actual JSON object, var caller = JSON.parse(atob(caller)); (NodeJS Code). NOTE: Caller object will only be returned to the enterpise webhook that executed the action.

  identity: 'email address (portal user) or access_key (api user)', 
  access_type: 'portal or api',
  email_domain: ''

Primary / Secondary signature will help you validate that the message is originated at TheCouponBureau® server and it is intended for you. As soon as your callback is approved (Enterprise Setting page), you will see two secret keys (primary and secondary) associated with your callback.

TheCouponBureau® backend will sign the message before pushing to your webhook using both primary and secondary keys and send those to your webhook as primary_signature / secondary_signature. Webhook implementation should recalculate the signatures and proceed execution if any one of the signatures matches.

  • primary_signature will be calculated using Primary Callback Secret
  • secondary_signature will be calculated using Secondary Callback Secret

Follow the below process to calculate the signature value (if value of the action key is "deposited" | "deleted" | "redeemed" | "rollback" | "shared")

primary_signature = md5 ( concat(gs1 + action + primary callback secret) )

secondary_signature = md5 ( concat(gs1 + action + secondary callback secret) )

Follow the below process to calculate the signature value (if value of the action key is "phone_number_change")

primary_signature = md5 ( concat(new_phone_hash + action + primary callback secret) )

secondary_signature = md5 ( concat(new_phone_hash + action + secondary callback secret) )

Follow the below process to calculate the signature value (if value of the action key is "brand_create" | "brand_update" | "brand_delete")

primary_signature = md5 ( concat(brand_id + action + primary callback secret) )

secondary_signature = md5 ( concat(brand_id + action + secondary callback secret) )

Follow the below process to calculate the signature value (if value of the action key is "mof_create" | "mof_update" | "mof_delete")

primary_signature = md5 ( concat(base_gs1 + action + updated_mof_encoded + primary callback secret) )

secondary_signature = md5 ( concat(base_gs1 + action + updated_mof_encoded + secondary callback secret) )

Two secret keys concept will enable you rotate the key in case you want to change your keys. Here if the process you can use to safely rotate two keys.

  • Regenerate primary secret
  • Key change will take some time to reflect across TCB backend cluster
  • In the meantime, your backend will keep matching secondary_signature value
  • Once the key change is reflected across TCB cluster, which will take atleast 300 seconds, your primary_signature will start matching
  • You can now safely regenerate secondary secret
  • Your backend will keep matching primary_signature for sometime till secondary key will get stabilised in TCB cluster

Your webhook should calculate both signatures and continue if any one of the signatures matches. This will enable your to make sure that the messages are generated from TCB backend and not from other sources. As your endpoint is publicly available, its highly recommended to implement and validate signatures before processing the messages.

NOTE: Duplicate Message

TCB backend follows AT LEAST ONCE delivery mechanism. This means your webhook might receive duplicate messages. Its recommended to make your webhook idempotent using the MessageId key which will be passed along with every message.

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